Business Ethics Codex

Faithful to the idea that human life is the greatest good, we introduce ethical principles to our business, convinced that no entrepreneur should seek profit “at all costs”, disregarding issues essential to - and connected with - human beings.

Therefore, taking the above into account, AGREMA Poland Sp. z o.o. undertakes to:

  • Conform to the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
  • Conform to all local and international regulations.
  • Act responsibly when cooperating with commercial partners and public institutions.
  • Provide fair remuneration for work.
  • Object to discrimination, violence and persecution.
  • Object to forced labor and employment of minors.
  • Respect regulations against unfair competition.
  • Support freedom of association.
  • Respect local inhabitants’ rights and cooperate with local organizations and authorities.
  • Motivate employees to perform their duties according to ethical principles.

Management, Stockholders and Cooperatives of AGREMA Poland Sp. z o.o.

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